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Red Bull Soapbox Races Hit the Streets of Los Angeles,California
Red Bull Soapbox Races Hit the Streets of Los Angeles,California
Red Bull Soapbox Races Hit the Streets of Los Angeles,California
iReport — The Red Bull Soapbox races hit the streets of downtown Los Angeles, drawing crowds of over 115,000 people. With temperatures in the 70’s, it was a perfect day for people of all ages to come out & watch this free event. Can't beat that price for an entertaining afternoon. There was a wide range of wild, crazy, innovative, humorous, & very original vehicles & teams. Laker's FanWagon, City of Bell Pickpockets, Green Army Men, Hamster Rampage, & Gone Gaga, to name only a few of the 38 teams that entered to be the soapbox champions.Each vehicle had to be powered by creativity, ingenuity, gravity, & 'the power of the people'. Motorized vehicles of any type were not allowed. The goal, or hope, was to create a vehicle that would finish the challenging course, at high speeds, & in one piece... both the vehicle and the driver! Many teams found themselves running across the finish line with their vehicle being dragged beside them! Unfortunately for Adam Carolla & the Revenge of The Chiliman team, crashing at the 90 degree turn put them out of the running. The winners of the Red Bull Soapbox race 2011 were: 1st Place-Lakers FunWagon 2nd Place-Angry Bird Droppings 3rd Place-The Flying ScotsmenPeople's Choice Award-The Baked Muscles The teams were judged on creativity, speed, and showmanship.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 02, 2011
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