...Lost Surfboards - "Flashback". Kolohe Andino takes out a Mayhem shaped "Flashback" model for a couple sessions around San Clemente. Board dimensions are 5’6" x 19.25 x 2.25Matt Biolos- The "Flashback" is another experiment in crossbreeding ideas and concepts from the past with modern knowledge and refinements. I started out knowing I wanted a really really wide tail... like 17", and built the board from there. Did some Google images work and was reminded of McCoy's "Butt tails". The board is so wide it's like crossing a Swallow's bite with a round tail's roll in and out of turns and control.The nose outline ghosts a Rocket's, but with a thicker foil and "beak". Low Low Low rocker with a bit of roll in nose to flat with a perimeter belly just inside the rail line through center and splitting into a dbl concave vee just in front of the fins. Amazing in flat faced waves and high tide fatness.Music by Raw Helmet andino, biolos, brother, enterprises, flashback, kolohe, lost, lost.tv, matt, mayhem, surfboards, Surf
Video Length: 133
Date Found: October 07, 2010
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View Count: 0