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Birth of Kombi
Birth of Kombi
Birth of Kombi
As I sit here typing on this, my last day of qwoff for the year, I feel somewhat conflicting emotions.   Yes, I’m ecstatic that this is my last day, and I can lock the office doors and throw myself into the planning of the Xmas turkey, and just play with the kids for a week and a half, and re-introduce myself to my long-suffering and very understanding wife. But I’m also reluctant to let go of this year, which has been, without a doubt, the most significant year of my adult life. We’re poised at the beginning of an amazing journey, about to set off around the country in search of wine utopia. I’m doing what I love, working at my passion, and I’m sharing it with 18,000 fellow winelovers, fellow qwoffers who make this a truly remarkable community… So on behalf of Justin and myself, who started this whole crazy wonderful thing, I’d like to say thank you, welcome, and Merry Christmas. May the new year bring you courage, and may we all try to add a bit more to the world than we take out. Cheers, drink only wine that you like, and see you next year for even bigger and brighter things! Andre & Justin PS> If we can give you one piece of advice: If you see a kombi sitting in an orchard in the Barossa, for sale for only $1000 bucks, DON’T buy it…
Channel: iTunes
Category: Food
Video Length: 303
Date Found: November 03, 2010
Date Produced: March 31, 2010
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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