Head Mojo 18 X Ski Bindings Matte
Sale: $179.00 - Retail: $450.00 Warning: Do not use this product if elderly, pregnant, or being treated for high blood pressure. Ok, maybe that was stolen from a warning label on an energy drink, but part of that still applies to this binding. The Head Mojo 18 X has a high DIN that is not meant for the average, or even the advanced skier. This binding is competition level, when skiers generally do not want their binding to release the boot in a fall or bobble. The DIN range is actually outside of the normal accepted calculation range, so this binding is for skiers that manipulate the spring tension to a higher value than suggested, which Level Nine doesn’t recommend, by the way.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 29, 2010
Date Produced: August 28, 2010
View Count: 0