Kapitulacja Westerplatte
Scena pochodzi z filmu "Westerplatte", z roku 1976, i przedstawia scenę kapitulacji załogi placówki. Mnie szczególnie urzekła scena kiedy Niemiecki dowódca pyta się majora Sucharskiego czy warto było tak długo się bronić, i nie dostaje żadnej odpowiedzi./ At the end of August 1939 the German pre-dreadnought battleship Schleswig-Holstein came to Danzig (Gdańsk) under the pretext of a "courtesy visit" and anchored in the channel near Westerplatte. On September 1, 1939, at 0445 local time, as Germany began its invasion of Poland, Schleswig-Holstein suddenly started to shell the Polish garrison with its 280 mm and 150 mm guns. This sneak attack was followed by an attack by German naval infantry who were hoping for an easy victory, but soon after crossing the artillery fire-breached brick wall they were ambushed and repelled by the Polish small arms, mortar, and machine gun fire from a concealed and well-positioned firing points (crossfire tactics). Another two assaults that day were repelled as well, with the Germans suffering unexpectedly high losses. The only Polish field gun was put out of the action after firing 28 shells at German positions across the channel (silencing several firing positions and hitting a command post). Defenders also counter-attacked and destroyed a German police guard post using hand grenades, but two Poles were mortally wounded in this action. On the first day, the Polish side lost one man killed and seven wounded (three of which died later <b>...</b>
Video Length: 201
Date Found: January 23, 2008
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View Count: 1