Neomelodics — Full Length
Ask any Italian what pops into their head when they think of Naples, and you’ll almost assuredly get the same three things every time: pizza, garbage in the streets, and the most powerful international crime syndicate in the world—the Camorra. This is an organization that in the past 30 years rose to be valued at around one-tenth of the aggregated wealth of the Italian nation. The Camorra not only deals in illegal activities, such as drugs and weapons trafficking, contraband, and extortion, but additionally controls a huge amount of legal, straight businesses—especially in transport, construction, and waste management, and also in pretty much any economic sphere in which they find an opportunity to invest. It is relentlessly capitalistic, has destroyed an entire city, is probably the biggest criminal emergency in Europe, and is the biggest organization in the southern Italian criminal underground. It is within this reality that a distinctive music genre rose to prominence over the last two decades: Neomelodics.
Video Length: 1736
Date Found: March 27, 2011
Date Produced: March 25, 2011
View Count: 214