Flat Joanne
Reason #201: I took a trip to Minnesota this summer with some of my friends, and the initial plan was for my mom to meet us there so we could all hang out with her family on the lake where she grew up and spend some quality time together. At the last minute she was too sick too come, but she jokingly told me to bring a Flat Joanne. Do you know what that is? It’s like a Flat Stanley, which is something kids make sometimes in school; it's a paper version of themselves or a friend that they send around and have people take pictures of in different places. Anyway, my mom told me to make a Flat Joanne so that she could enjoy Minnesota through it. She joked that she wanted Flat Joanne to see the lake and eat a big ol' rueben sandwich because those were Real Joanne's favorites and she hadn't been able to eat them lately. I loved that even though she couldn't go, she was still joking around and wanting me to go and have a good time with my friends and introduce them to where she grew up and the people she loved. Well, I made one and my friends and I carried her around. I edited together an hour video of my trip for Real Joanne that shows Flat Joanne on the lake, taking a sauna, eating a reuben in her family's restaurant, at a Journey concert we went to, and alongside all of her family as they filmed hellos to her. She watched this video a lot and seemed to really appreciate it, which I was glad about. The video I posted here today is just a quick 45 second compilation set to music of some of what Flat Joanne did in Minnesota this summer. Thank you to my awesome family and friends for helping me make this for her. You are great.
Video Length: 50
Date Found: July 17, 2011
Date Produced: February 03, 2010
View Count: 0