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HPV vaccination news
HPV vaccination news
HPV vaccination news
According to the National Cancer Institute, cervical cancer is almost always caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. But how about a vaccine that wipes out specific HPV strains that account for 75 percent of all cervical cancer cases? A vaccine is available to do that, however, either girls and women aren’t getting vaccinated or they're not getting the three shots that are required. Get Healthy's Jackie Hays talks with an expert about the importance of this vaccine for young women as well as for young men.  Gardasil is a vaccine used to prevent certain types of human papillomavirus that have been shown to lead to cervical cancer. Doctors estimate that using the vaccine could prevent about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. Sandra Brooks, M.D., MBA, system vice president of research and prevention for Norton Healthcare, says the vaccine also works against genital warts in boys and young men. The recommended age for getting the vaccine is between 9 and 26, before sexual contact. The vaccine does not treat existing infection.
Channel: iTunes
Category: Health & Fitness
Video Length: 165
Date Found: February 10, 2011
Date Produced: February 06, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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