VIDEO: President Isaias Afwerki’s interview with Reuters
Portraying Unrealistic Image through Exaggerated Expectations Is Not The Eritrean Government’s Political Culture: President IsaiasShabaitAsmara, 21 October 2009- In an interview he conducted with Reuters News Agency here today, President Isaias Afwerki underscored that it is not in the Eritrean government’s political culture to portray unrealistic image through exaggerated expectations. “Hence, we don’t want to give invented promises regarding gold and other mining ventures,” he elaborated.In the interview focusing on diverse domestic, regional and international issues, the President pointed out that had the endowment of abundant natural resources and the income derived thereof been the crucial factor, the world would not have witnessed the prevailing dire poverty in the resource-rich African countries. He further stressed that the decisive factor is the effective and efficient utilization of available resources. President Isaias went on to explain that resources could ensure human dignity only when channeled towards building a strong national economy and equitable distribution of resources anchored on social justice. Noting that a nation’s resources should serve as a driving force for hard work, bring about qualitative change in the living standard of citizens, and above all guarantee meaningful and just social order, he underscored that resources should be exploited in a judicious manner.Replying to a question on the objective economic situation in Eritrea and the statistical data presented by certain quarters, President Isaias explained that there are parties keen on concocting statistical figures and coming up with bogus conclusions. In this connection, he emphasized that the information disseminated by such parties as regards the Eritrean economy, besides having ulterior motive, is based on wrong and distorted reports that do not reflect the objective truth and reality in the country.Indicating that some nongovernmental organizations and agencies...
Video Length: 2268
Date Found: October 24, 2009
Date Produced:
View Count: 104