Shot 07/11/2011.## pretape, requested by Marlo. Tony Blair, Middle East Quartet Envoy and Former British Prime Minister.## TONY BLAIR : FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER## IN ABOUT 15:19:47 what is important is to realize not about group or part of media or one procedure, in this case hacking, it’s about whole rang of things that needs to be looked at so we understand what is acceptable and what's isn't acceptable. as a result of this, over the years, you tolerated what, in a sense, is intolerable, but you did it because, look when you're the p.m. you're running the country, go out there every day and complain about the media,, you know, the public say "that's fine but get on with your job". so in a way it's difficult for an existing pm., in office, to thave this type of a debate, I think now that this has happened it may be, in a curious way, gives us opportunity for a more health relationship and the types of standards that you guys probly do have here are then assimilated and regarded as natural out about: 15:20:57##
Video Length: 73
Date Found: July 17, 2011
Date Produced: July 11, 2011
View Count: 0