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Reactor 3 New Explosion Nuclear Plant Fukushima Japan
Reactor 3 New Explosion Nuclear Plant Fukushima Japan
Reactor 3 New Explosion Nuclear Plant Fukushima Japan
Reactor 3 New Explosion Nuclear Plant Fukushima Japan March 14, 2011 The situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan worsens as a second explosion is reported, intensifying fears of the possibility of nuclear meltdown triggered by last week’s huge earthquake. At least seven are missing with several others hurt after the blast - which is not however believed to have pierced the structure containing the reactor's core. Second reactor cooling system fails 200000 people evacuated 160 workers exposed to high levels of radiation second explosion could occur. An official has stated that Melt-Down at Reactor 1 is a REAL Possibility. The NEW break-down is located at reactor number 3 on Fukushima. Aftershocks Caused Hydrogen Explosion in Nuclear Reactor. The situation is at Level 4 Alert - Geiger Counter Checks being carried out. NEW TSUNAMI WARNINGS ISSUED...!! ... GVT Radiation Leak Confirmed. The Japanese people have been warned to NOT drink the tap water, to turn off air conditioning. Close windows. Stay indoors. Wrap towels around face...etc. A core meltdown may have occurred at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture that was damaged in a massive earthquake on March 11, a government regulator said on March 12. Cesium from nuclear fuel was detected in radioactive materials in a monitored zone at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's No. 1 reactor, according to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA). Earlier in the day, radiation leaks were confirmed at the
Category: Science
Video Length: 49
Date Found: May 23, 2011
Date Produced: May 23, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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