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Dresden, Germany
Dresden,  Germany
Dresden, Germany
Dresden is the capital of the German federal state of Saxony (Freistaat Sachsen). Located on the Elbe River, it is an industrial, governmental, and cultural center, known worldwide for the Bruehl’s Terrace and its historic landmarks in the Old Town (Altstadt). Dresden became a city in 1206 and recently celebrated its 800th birthday in 2006. It was home to many Saxon princes and kings, the most famous of them being August der Starke (Augustus the Strong), whose kingdom included Poland as well. They apertained to the family of the Wettiner and were closely related to many other European royal families. Many buildings date from their reign and especially the rich art collections are testimony of their extreme wealth. The Madonna Sixtina was for instance bought by the son of August the Strong. The last Saxon king abdicated in 1918. The historical center of Dresden was 75% destroyed in a terrible bombing on February 13 and 14, 1945 by allied forces. The date is deeply marked in the history of the city and is still remembered each year in processions and ceremonies. The destruction of the priceless art treasures that made the city world famous was and is felt as a wound to the soul of the people. More than 30,000 people died in the bombing - the exact number is unknown - as the city was full of refugees and many burnt completely in the firestorm (unofficial sources give numbers of up to 150,000 dead These sources are largely discredited. Even German records state that 30-40,000 is correct ). The ruin of the now rebuilt Frauenkirche acted as a call for peace among the different nations of the world. The historical center is nowadays largely restored to its former glory, however some parts are still under reconstruction. Dresden December 2003Dresden has about ten million tourists a year, most of them from Germany. The Zwinger was rebuilt in 1964, the Semper Opera house in 1985, and the now most famous landmark of Dresden, the Frauenkirche, in 2005. When asked what they ...
Category: Travel
Video Length: 228
Date Found: September 02, 2010
Date Produced: July 10, 2008
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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