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By director Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle - "The Red Mill" 1927 (Clip)
By director Roscoe
By director Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle - "The Red Mill" 1927 (Clip)
Poor barmaid Marion Davies (as Tina) is the drudge of the "Red Mill Tavern"; she is always "in Dutch", meaning (wittily) both "in trouble" and "in Holland" (this comedy’s setting). Ms. Davies' only friend is Ignatz, a little white mouse, who lives in her shoe. One day, Davies sees Owen Moore (as Dennis Wheat) ice skating; and, she is attracted to him. She ventures out to find Mr. Moore surrounded by female admirers, but manages a meeting. Davies must struggle to win Moore's heart, after she learns he is a Governor, betrothed to a wealthy maiden.   "The Red Mill" is a very funny silent comedy, which still works, today, thanks to expert work by director Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle (incognito as "William Goodrich"). Davies and Moore are a winning comic team; and, Davies' starring performance is particularly fine. Louise Fazenda, Snitz Edwards, and Karl Dane are perfect in supporting roles. And, Ignatz is a delightful mouse. Many of the title cards, by Joseph Farnham, from Henry Blossom's original play, are hilarious:
Channel: 123Video
Category: Movies
Video Length: 3074
Date Found: November 22, 2009
Date Produced:
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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