H2575 Paparazzi Henry’s Star Encounters 3/19/10
H2575 Paparazzi Henry’s Star Encounters 3/19/10"CHATEAU MARMONT"---LADY VICTORIA HERVEY - Looked delightful in a fashionable pink dress.TOM ARNOLD - The funny guy talked about a bunch of things, including being sober, his fourth marriage, the food he loves, etc, etc. I put him on the phone with THE KING OF THE PAPARAZZI, E.L. WOODY and the guys had a cool conversation. Tom: "Woody, this is Tom Arnold, what's happening? I know you work hard, Woody," He gave Woody a scoop too, Also, hear the advice that James Cameron gave him. Tom loves the limelight and makes the most of it.JOE PESCI
Video Length: 852
Date Found: March 21, 2010
Date Produced: March 20, 2010
View Count: 8