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Ayn Rand Forecasts Economic Disaster from Collectivism & Socialism 1958
Ayn Rand Forecasts Economic Disaster from Collectivism & Socialism 1958
Ayn Rand Forecasts Economic Disaster from Collectivism & Socialism 1958
This is an excerpt from a 1958 interview of Ayn Rand on the Mike Wallace Show. Ayn Rand was a child during the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia before visiting America and staying. Ayn Rand has a brilliant mind and fought against communist philosophy present in America in the 1930’s - 1950's particularly. Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged, speaks of how collectivism will destroy America's free e More..nterprise economic system. Ayn believes we should not be allowed to vote on EVERY issue. She disdains government forced coercion in any name, even social inequalities. Some 50 years later we can see the devastation caused by social welfare programs that she warned against. Ayn Rand was a staunch defender of capitalism and contributed ALL economic problems to government meddling. Ayn says we Americans have not been given a choice between freedom and collectivism as both political parties both subscribe to socialism tenants. She says government "regulations are creating robber-barons" and that "capitalists with government help is the worst of all economic phenomenon".
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Educational
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 17, 2010
Date Produced: August 17, 2010
View Count: 7 Special Offers
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