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Viewers tell Ken: Obama is a danger
Viewers tell Ken: Obama is a danger
Viewers tell Ken: Obama is a danger
(KOMO4) -- I was surprised at the number of people who verbally slapped me upside the head for awarding "The Schrammie" to Georgia Congressman Paul Broun this week. Broun was comparing President-elect Barack Obama to Hitler to the point where he said Obama was interested in setting up his own Gestapo-type organization. Howard Stoppelman writes: "Obama's proposals smack of a citizen army and More.. a snitch society. ... You sir are a delusional Pollyanna if you can't see this." James Miller: "It's called Marxism. ... I am scared to death about the damage Obama ... will do to the American way of life ..." Karen Harden: "At the very core of what (Broun) said may lie a lot of truth. ... Everything I have read and studied about Obama (makes) it clear that he leans ... in favor of a large socialized government." Ed Hughes: "In many ways Obama seems very much like the leader of the German National Socialists of the 1930s. ... Look at the attendance at his campaign speeches ... hordes of adoring supporters chanting 'yes we can' instead of seig heil." And finally from David Williams: "I’m sure our new 'savior' ... is above reproach. ... Just keep repeating, 'Yes we can.'" Hey David, after eight years of repeating, "No we shouldn't," I’m happy to oblige. Thanks for writing everyone. Be safe. Less..
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Government
Video Length: 0
Date Found: November 15, 2008
Date Produced: November 15, 2008
View Count: 12 Special Offers
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