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Redfern Busker Man
Redfern Busker Man
Redfern Busker Man
Every day for the past 4 years I’d walked past this Aboriginal busker at Redfern Railway Station, on my way to and from work. Unlike other station 'regulars' who simply beg commuters for money, this guy was there every single day with his guitar, singing and playing songs for passersby, but more or less keeping to himself. He was making an honest buck and I liked that about him, but had never been brave enough to talk to him. Mostly because, well, he looked a little derelict and unapproachable. He always seemed to have his head down, hunched over his guitar, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. But I was always curious about him because, despite his appearance, he is one of the better buskers around Sydney.  About a month ago, I decided to go and say Hi. He was nothing but lovely. He served as a great reminder to not judge a book by its cover. Thanks to Clarence for allowing me to film him, and for always playing a good tune. Thanks also to the Redfern station guards, especially Paul, who gave me the push that I needed to talk to my new mate Clarence. About the Stolen Generations: About Redfern Railway Station:
Channel: Vimeo
Category: Nature
Video Length: 314
Date Found: June 04, 2011
Date Produced: May 08, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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