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May 18, Night Before Court Motion on Abusive Discrimination by Laval Police
May 18,  Night Before Court Motion on Abusive Discrimination by Laval Police
May 18, Night Before Court Motion on Abusive Discrimination by Laval Police
iReport — May 18, the night before the court Motion, Laval Police told me they got a call about a suspicious vehicle; Asked question about my van, it has panels inside and other modifications that may look strange; Asked if my name was Danny, if I had court conditions to stay at my home address, the court conditions I had modified through a court Motion the previous Thursday; Threat, possible attempt and looking, fishing, for justification to use psychiatry in strong arm tactics to prevent court Motion; Court Motion was not added to role and will be presented this Tuesday May 24; Court Motion deals with Abusive Discrimination towards a person with a disability, a vulnerability, a psychiatric care history, by the Laval Police. Note: There’s a link with me being blasted out of my apartment by powerful radar starting September 2010, the several Complaints filed concerning this, including to the UN Human Rights Commission, and the questions asked regarding court conditions and staying home; Run Away strategies and the use of psychiatry as a threat.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 159
Date Found: May 22, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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