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Where You Excited About The GOP Debate?
Where You Excited About The GOP Debate?
Where You Excited About The GOP Debate?
iReport — I could hardly pull myself off the couch to get a drink or snack for fear I’d miss what one of the GOP Presidential Candidates had to say, again, as they have a hundred times before... No tax increases for the job creators (must be the rich they're talking about), less regulations for business, and more shared responsibility as long as your income is below $250,000 a year! Didn't want to miss all that..and the winners were: Mainstream GOPWinner:Flip Flop Romney, so the pundits say - (who said little, but less is more in Romney's case, ... who can believe what he says anyway...anymore) Tea Party Darling Winner: And Michele Bachmann, who still can't put two coherent sentences together, speaks in non sequiturs and is about as disconnected from reality as you can get. Michele's Wikipedia site: photo should be added Pawlenty was careful not to attack Romney on "Obamaneycare" and hurt his Vice Presidential chances. And we're to take this Party seriously..anymore? Well, CNN thinks so.   ***
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 22, 2011
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View Count: 0 Special Offers
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