台灣民謠組曲 會議展場喜慶宴會最佳藝文表演團隊 台北新潮樂集影音部落格網址:hinet影音部落格youtube影片欣賞Ayoumaker影片欣賞Bstrretvoice 影片欣賞C台北新潮樂集官方網站 台北新潮樂集網站 電話:02-27466691傳真:02-27466610音樂總監:王寶康 手機:0920-848597聯絡人:藝術總監宋金龍 手機:0933-878324信箱:direct_song888@yahoo.com.tw團址:台北市忠孝東路四段553巷52弄21號1樓 樂團簡介:台北新潮樂集自成立以來,秉持創團宗旨: 一、為孩子找出路,培育未來傳統音樂種子教師。二讓傳統站起來,以E世代的呈現方式,詮釋中國傳統絲竹之美。三、創建音樂界的慈濟精神,那裡需要服務,服務就到那裡。 Taipei Neo Wave Ensemble Founded in 2004, Taipei Neo Wave Ensemble is a widely recognized musical group in Taiwan. It has been frequently invited to various occasions to reveal a whole new taste and performing style in traditional Chinese music. Renowned for its innovative patterns in musical variety, performing style and musical instruments application, the Ensemble now has more than twenty experienced musicians. Taipei Neo Wave Ensemble vows to generate a new stage in traditional Chinese music. The Ensemble combines western musical instruments with traditional Chinese ones, integrates Latin, Jazz, pop music, and even world classic songs into the original traditional ones, and initiates a friendly, cheerful and interactive atmosphere for the audience. It has successfully interpreted the unique of traditional Chinese music in a more contemporary way, captured more young generations in the world into the beauty of traditional Chinese music, and built up a milestone in ancient Chinese music 台北新潮楽集 ここで演奏される音楽形態は過去の暗い印象を脱ぎ去り、明るく活発な雰囲気で、傍聴席に居る皆様も共に参加していただくことによって共に音楽をつくりあげていきます。今回演奏するものにはラテン音楽、ポップ音楽、世界の名曲などがあり、演奏する楽器は中国伝統楽器だけでなく、西洋...
Video Length: 0
Date Found: August 24, 2009
Date Produced: August 23, 2009
View Count: 68