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Hannity and Rove float Lieberman for Secretary of State.
Hannity and Rove float Lieberman for Secretary of State.
Hannity and Rove float Lieberman for Secretary of State.
Recent press reports have hinted that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is strongly considering selecting Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) as vice president. However, on Fox News last night, both Sean Hannity and Karl Rove weren’t keen on the idea, arguing that “there are other ways” to be bipartisan. Hannity and Rove instead suggested Lieberman as Secretary of State: HANNITY: I was going to say, co More.. uld we achieve that by, maybe, when he announces his VP, say, look, Joe Lieberman has agreed to be my secretary of state? ROVE: Well, there’s going to be a brilliant column in the Thursday “Wall Street Journal” that’s strongly commentated but. HANNITY: Are you suggesting that? ROVE: Well, look, I think that that’s where the imperatives for McCain at the convention is. Each side needs to achieve something at the convention. And one of the things that McCain needs to do is to…you know, make it clear he remains who he is — a maverick with an independent streak who’s got to govern by — in a bipartisan fashion as president as he’s operated in himself. Less..
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Government
Video Length: 0
Date Found: October 29, 2008
Date Produced: August 20, 2008
View Count: 7 Special Offers
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