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Ron Paul on the Housing Bill 7/23/08
Ron Paul on the Housing Bill 7/23/08
Ron Paul on the Housing Bill 7/23/08
Thursday, July 24, 2008 Ron Paul talks about the bailout out of the housing industry and how it really just destroys the dollar and adds enormously to the debt. Also, slipped into the bill, was the stipulation that ALL credit card transactions must now be reported to the IRS. Details of today’s housing bill by Dr. Ron Paul: - $2.5B line of credit to the Treasury (Fanni More.. e & Freddie – ‘F & F’) is now “open-ended” o UNLIMITED – Treasury now allowed to buy all ‘F & F’ housing securities o Congress no longer involved in appropriating funds (Treasury now does) - National Debt Ceiling Moved up $800 BILLION (buried in the bill) - Treasury Bills being exchanged for unwanted ‘F & F’ securities o This is the asset which “backs up our currency” o Value of these assets are depreciating o Treasuries have replaced gold and silver to back US Dollar - Solution breeds inflation o Places pressure on the US Dollar - Mortgage industry workers “will now have to be fingerprinted.” - All credit card transactions will now be reported to the IRS. Now are you ready to wake up? I want to thank Ron Paul for activly fighting for us. Even those who have NO CLUE.... and we all know who THEY are.... i Less..
Channel: LiveLeak
Category: Government
Video Length: 0
Date Found: October 29, 2008
Date Produced: July 24, 2008
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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