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Radiation Check in Japan- Extreme radiation difference in the same area, PART 2
Radiation Check in Japan- Extreme radiation difference in the same area,  PART 2
Radiation Check in Japan- Extreme radiation difference in the same area, PART 2
After seeing the radiation check videos from our city, i decided to double check. I am measuring for two months, but never got too high levels. But today, i was taken by asuperdry (youtube user living in the same city, who took the mentioned videos) and had chance to see the extremely big radiation hot spots. This second video is from this hot-spots area, in part of Kashiwa situated in much lower area, then places, where most of the people living in this city have to go to.The problem is, my checks around the place, I am leaving in, or in the central city are always normal probably because the altitude is higher here, but if the altitude changes and you go to lower ground spots, you can experience really high radiation. Off course the air is OK everywhere, independent form the altitude. Problem is the soil and ground. Competent offices should act immediately and clean the dirty zones asap, as they did in the kindergarten by the Kashiwa station, where they changed the sand in the playground - btw, thank`s to asuperdry-san wife activities. The kids are playing now in playground with radiation 0.08microsieverts. I know, that this Fukushima radiation level is peace of cake comparing to radiation levels, when the French government (among others) tested their nuclear bomb in the pacific. Bombs create and disperse more critical radionuclide (ie uranium, plutonium, strontium, etal) in the air and sea than the nuclear power plant. But event that, we should not ignore any of this ...
Channel: YouTube
Category: Home Video
Video Length: 522
Date Found: June 25, 2011
Date Produced: June 11, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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