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TEDxTokyo yz - Chuk Sandy - IT’S INSIDE YOU...
TEDxTokyo yz - Chuk Sandy - IT’S INSIDE YOU...
TEDxTokyo yz - Chuk Sandy - IT’S INSIDE YOU...
Chuck Sandy Chuck Sandy is an internationally known, Japan-based author, teacher trainer, essayist and poet who has coauthored several popular English Language series for students including Passages and Connect for Cambridge University Press and Active Skills For Communication for Cengage Publishing. He’s currently and centrally involved in spreading the global Design For Change Contest across Japan and in building collaborative teaching / learning communities such as the one found online at ActiveDiscussion. He is a frequent and sought after speaker at conferences around the world where he most often talks about the joys of engaging learners in project work, the need for materials and practices that promote collaboration, autonomy, and critical thinking, and his belief that real change happens one student, one classroom, one community at a time. Although originally from the United States, he's been in Japan over half his life and currently lives in Aichi Prefecture where he teaches in the English Language and Culture Department and the School of Global Humanics at Chubu University. Sitting between dreams and wondering what to do next in Life, University teacher Chuck watched Kiran Sethi's video in TED how she spread the idea of I Can from Riverside school to 32000 schools in India. That is when he realized that he had been infected with the I Can virus since childhood and he needs to get re-infected again. Since the realization Chuck is trying to spread the I Can
Category: Science
Video Length: 1024
Date Found: May 26, 2011
Date Produced: May 26, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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