THE BATTLE OF KOSOVO - Ð?Ð?Ð? ÐÐ Ð?Ð?СÐ?Ð?У TWO, Scene 5 The curtain has come down and again the voice of the guslar is heard from behind the stage. THE GUSLAR: The Turk called upon the eagle boy/ To put his head in the gallows/ To forever serve Islam, And a desert Allah/ Instead of sticking/ To the sole God Elijah. Or is the Islamic sultan drunk/ Or is he blinded by murky thoughts, If he thinks himself capable of taming eagles, That all live by means of freedom. In a cage there is no place for an eagle; Only in the air and the shining freedom, Defending justice against injustice. The guslar falls silent. The curtain rises slowly. Again the palace chamber of Tsar Lazar become visible, but except the armed guards at the door there is no one present. Suddenly the voice of the herald is heard at the entrance. THE HERALD: The Serbian prince Milos Obilic! A big strong knight comes on stage wearing a metal harness. In the palace chamber he loosens his helm, holds it in his hand and having convinced there is no one else present begins to pace up and down. Invisible to the public, the voice of the guslar is heard again. THE GUSLAR: That is the living white eagle! That is the dragon of dragons/ That is the lion of lions/ That is the SERB of Serbs, To whom the tsar gave his daughter, Because he is the hero of heroes/ Because he is the favorite of ELIJAH. Happy the mother who bore him. The guslar remains silent; again the clear voice of the herald is heard. THE HERALD: The Serbian Prince Vuk Brankovic! A long skinny Serbian knight with a goatee appears in the palace chamber. He is wearing a harness and carries the helm in his hand. Upon noticing that Milos is already there, he nods to him; the latter returns the greetings. Then they pass each other in silence, giving the impression that they are not too fond of each other. The guslar starts to play and sing. TH...
Video Length: 719
Date Found: February 18, 2011
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