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Adad Hannah - Visual Arts
Adad Hannah - Visual Arts
Adad Hannah - Visual Arts
Born in New York and raised variously in Israel, England, and Vancouver, for the last nine years multi-media artist Adad Hannah has lived in Montreal, where he has pushed open the borders between the body and installation art by fusing the two in thoroughly evocative ways. Hannah combines video, photography and performance into tableaux vivants.  A multi-faceted exchange between art and history, Hannah uses the space between the static body and the recorded motion to make statements on the tension of our bodies’ natural dichotomies. Young and prolific, in any given year his installations can be found around the world, living in galleries as far and wide as Berlin, New York, Seoul, or Australia. In 2003, he received an Honourable Mention at the 10th International Media Arts Biennale. In 2009, he won the Canada Council’s prestigious Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Award for outstanding artistic achievement by a Canadian artist in mid-career. (DN) / / / ******************************************************* "Recognizing Artists: Enfin Visibles!" is a project of the English-Language Arts Network. RAEV aims to raise awareness of the creative explosion taking place in Quebec’s English-speaking cultural scene. Visit to experience: * 150 profiles of artists at the leading edge of Quebec's English arts renaissance. * 24 videos spotlighting artists discussing their life and work in Quebec. * 7 feature-length histories detailing the rarely-told stories of the English arts community. * An interactive online map of who, what, where and when English arts is happening in Quebec. ******************************************************* Formed in 2005, ELAN is dedicated to connecting Quebec's English-speaking artists with one another, with their francophone colleagues, and with audiences in Quebec, across Canada and internationally.
Channel: Vimeo
Category: Arts & Literature
Video Length: 281
Date Found: April 05, 2011
Date Produced: March 24, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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