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Report : "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides " review
iReport — The pirates are back in full force, including Captain Jack Sparrow. He’s missing a few of his old shipmates but he’s found some new maties in a fourth movie in the franchise that started out as a theme park ride. Buckle in ya skally wag, its time to get flicked up.Johnny Depp is very entertaining once again as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, in 3D. In this fourth installment Jack is off to search for the Fountain of Youth. He encounters zombie pirates, monster mermaids, voodoo, and Penelope Cruz. Cruz plays a lady pirate who used to have a thing with Captain Jack, but no more, or maybe. Ian McShane plays the evil Captain Blackbeard, and Geoffrey Rush is back as Barbossa, Jack’s sometimes friend sometimes foe. Missing from the picture are Orlando Bloom’s ‘Will’ character and Keira Knightely’s proper-lady Elizabeth. In this critics opinion, they are sorely missed.Also missing from this film is director Gore Verbinsky. He has been replaced by Rob Marshall who is best known for direction in Chicago, his knack for choreography can be seen in the movie that is full of adventure and comedy. This one should be a hit with the public. It took a while for things to get going but once they did, the movie paid off. But, with Bloom and Knightley out of the picture Disney is gambling by replacing that young-love subplot with two more beautiful young people in love but, its just not the same. Depp’s Sparrow, though entertaining, has no one to keep him in check anymore. His clownish spirit, when the first film came out in 2003, doesn’t feel the same anymore. Knightly and Bloom weren’t just two young kids in love, they were pivotal parts of the storyline.The flick-o-meter gives Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides a well earned three out of five. Penelope Cruz did well, Depp was great, but the movie did seem to drag in the beginning?and I am so over 3D. I am tired of wearing the glasses, and I’m tired of the shots looking so d...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: May 21, 2011
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