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Old Water Tower Falls In Ontario County Backyard
Old Water Tower Falls In Ontario County Backyard
Old Water Tower Falls In Ontario County Backyard
iReport — Shortsville, N.Y. - Contractors cleaned up a big mess Friday after an old water tower collapsed and destroyed a shed.The tower was in the process of being removed by those contractors.Heather Baxter watched as the water tower fell on her property.While contractors took down the water tower, it tipped before they thought it would, right onto Baxter’s Shirley Street property at 1:30 Friday afternoon.  The impact crushed her shed.Baxter saw crews working to cut off the legs of the water tower as she was driving home from work, and called the village.  The water tower was supposed to fall in a bus garage next door."I went to another street to watch it come down and take pictures," Baxter said. "When it fell, I realized it was my backyard.  It was very emotional at first, but i'm glad everyone's ok.  We lost a few things, but nothing that can't be replaced.""It was very overwhelming to see something so big and to watch it come down in your backyard," she added.The shed, as well as a motorboat, canoe and lawn mower equipment inside it were damaged.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: May 13, 2011
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