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How The Sausage Is Made
How The Sausage Is Made
How The Sausage Is Made
Even though I really love collaborating with smart people in a group, nothing beats working at home for me when I really need to make my best work. But what about people who always work from home and rarely, if ever, get to collaborate with their co-workers that might be hundreds or thousands of miles away? That was the thought going through my mind when I caught up with [Greg Storey](​), President of [Happy Cog West](​) at SXSW this year. Before Happy Cog, Greg’s [Airbag Industries](​) was made up of talent spread all over the United States. And, of course, with three offices across the U.S., Happy Cog does its share of remote collaboration as well. So, I figured who better to talk about the subject than Greg? We drift into the obligatory "SXSW is getting too big" talk[^1] before we discuss possibilities in educating the business world of how interactive media serves business goals. Why? Because maybe then the business world might be able to ask better questions up front that leads to better work in the end. That's why. [^1]: Although, I'd wager that our discussion of the good ol' days of SXSW was more interesting than most.
Channel: iTunes
Category: Lifestyles
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 06, 2011
Date Produced: June 02, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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