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Free Ipod or Iphone
Free Ipod or Iphone
Free Ipod or Iphone
PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! Hi, basically this video is about a website called Freebiejeebies. With this website you can get any ipod you wish for free. Please note that this video has quite alot of reading to do included in it but please do read, as it all as it explains everything you need to know. PLEASE! click on the website above or below to check it out. But please watch the video before clicking on the website.  Basically you sign up using this link then you complete an offer from another company and you can easily get a free games console! I know what you are thinking, the same as I did when i was told about it "Yeah well the signing up will cost a bomb to make up for it" but, this is not true! The site is affiliate marketing/advertising which simply means that they get paid for making you complete an offer! When you first sign up you will realize that there are tons of different ways to complete an offer, and some do in fact charge! But if you do what you did you will soon find out it doesn’t charge at all! Here is how to do just that: 1. On the offers page, take the LoveFilm (normal) offer. 2. Sign up to LoveFilm (use the 3.99 per month one with the 14 days free trial). 3. You do have to give credit card or debit card(solo) details, but as long as you cancel your account with them before the trial is over you will not get charged! (Even the postage is free) 4. Then, add about 10 DVDs to your "Rentals List" (click the red 'add' button) as for some reason they ask you to do this. 5. But dont worry becasue when you choose the
Channel: metacafe
Category: Technology
Video Length: 178
Date Found: March 14, 2011
Date Produced: February 10, 2009
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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