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Go » Videos » black comedian Bert Williams - "A Natural Born Gambler" (1916) -Silent-
black comedian Bert Williams - "A Natural Born Gambler" (1916) -Silent-
black comedian Bert Williams  -
black comedian Bert Williams - "A Natural Born Gambler" (1916) -Silent-
In 1916 the Biograph film company signed black comedian Bert Williams to write, produce, direct and star in two comedies. Williams created "A Natural Born Gambler" and "Fish." While hardly a breakthrough in shattering racial stereotypes (Williams was required by the studio to wear "darkie" makeup), a black production with a black cast was unprecedented. The response was tepid and Williams did not appear in any movies after Fish.  - Gambler borrows from Williams' Vaudeville skits. It makes heavy use of stereotypes, e.g., stealing, cheating, minstrel speak, mainly for the amusement of white audiences of the time. But Williams portrays a leadership role throughout, something unseen in black performances of that period. Williams' character, "Bert", is unprincipled, but likable nonetheless. The delegate of his social club has a very distinguished role worth noting. When a well-dressed man from out of town visits Bert’s watering hole with a wad of cash, Bert sees an opportunity and calls for a poker game. The closing sequence, probably the most entertaining, is straight from Williams' stage act. Bert plays an imaginary card game in a skit Williams made famous on Vaudeville.
Channel: 123Video
Category: Movies
Video Length: 1310
Date Found: November 22, 2009
Date Produced:
View Count: 1 Special Offers
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