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When Did Privatizing Everything Become "In the Best Interest " Of Americans?
When Did Privatizing Everything Become
When Did Privatizing Everything Become "In the Best Interest " Of Americans?
iReport — Imagine that you worked at a Fortune 500 Company for 40 years. You’ve paid into the company retirement plan and now you're ready to get your gold watch. You've planned on being able to spend more time with your Grandchildren, visit your daughter in the State of Washington, buy a mobile home and see all the National Parks you've not been able to see while you were working. You're 65, and can now feel confident that with a little thought, you can enjoy your retirement with your wife. You've worked hard and deserve this time to do the things you enjoy. Suddenly, your Company's CEO calls a meeting and announces that the retirement funds you've been contributing into for years has been taken by the company and spent on "other things" that the company needed. They tell you that you'll have to work longer before you retire and that the amount you were expecting to get, will be less because they just can't afford to pay everyone the money they had promised. That, folks, is exactly what the Tea Party is asking the Republicans to do to Americans with Social Security and Medicare. Oh, don't worry. If you're over 55, you're good. They won't take away you're money, just those that are under 55- your kids and younger friends. The GOP hopes to divide Americans against one another. The GOP has the audacity to claim that Medicare and Social Security are "entitlement programs". Didn't we pay in to fund these programs? As a matter of fact, we pay for all of what the government spends money on- including the 1.25 Trillion on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars over the last ten years. Is it our fault that they raided the trust funds, spent the money, and now want us to pay for the mismanagement of our funds? Will these changes affect the retirements of the management? Hardly. In fact, at any large company, these actions would be criminal and those responsible would find themselves in prison. Shared sacrifice? Not in the least. And some of you are buying the used car salesman, P...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
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Date Found: June 27, 2011
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