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Parzival Roethlein - Character TD Reel 2010
Parzival Roethlein - Character TD Reel 2010
Parzival Roethlein - Character TD Reel 2010
Content from 2010.  Resume: Breakdown: 0:03 – 2:08 Project: 366 Tage (10 min graduate short film) Position: Character TD 04.2010– 10.2010 Responsible for all Rigging using Maya (Five main characters plus vehicles and props). Developed highly automated rigging pipeline with modular, object-oriented and flexible PyMEL code/classes. They allow one-click iterations on the rigging of all characters, so all rig changes can be done in the original script files. I also created an animation-UI and scripts to support animation (Python). In addition I was responsible for the cloth-simulation (One character). 2:09 – 3:00 Project: Beam (1 min short film) Position: Character TD 01.2010 – 03.2010 Responsible for all Rigging/Deformation (One Character and a transforming machine) using Maya. Wrote Python scripts to automate parts of the rigging process. Supported animation with scripts and UI (Python). I also did some shot-work (Transformation: modeling, animation and effects). 3:01 – 3:20 Project: Wallflower Tango (4 min graduate short film) Position: Cloth TD 11.2010 – 12.2010 Responsible for all cloth simulation on main- and side-characters using Maya nCloth. Wrote Python/PyMEL scripts for import/export between XSI and Maya.
Channel: Vimeo
Category: Animation
Video Length: 202
Date Found: May 11, 2011
Date Produced: January 30, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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