Shot 07/10/2011.## Runners enjoyed the views but lamented the heat at Summerfest’s inaugural Rock 'n Sole event Sunday.   The race turned into a full-fledged emergency when early hydration stations on the course ran out of water and cups that, combined with the 85-degree heat, led to several runners in the half-marathon and 10K races collapsing. "I think, overall, there are 10 different things you need to focus on (when organizing a race), and I think we got one very wrong, and that was water on the course," said Tom Schuler, the race director, after the event. Schuler admitted that the hydration## SHOTS OF EMT TREATING FALLEN RUNNERS, SOT WITH MARTHONER DRINKIN WATER, REPORTER STANDUP, SHOTS OF RUNNERS REPORER STANDUP, SOT FROM RUNNER ON HER THEORYWHY PEOPLE WERE FALLING ILL, MAN CROSSING FINISH LINE, SHOTS OF MEDICAL ENT, SCNES INSIDE TENT ##
Video Length: 687
Date Found: July 15, 2011
Date Produced: July 10, 2011
View Count: 0