drink coffe while going green!
We all need a nice, steaming cup of coffee in the morning to help us get through the day, but did you know choices you make for your morning jolt of caffeine can even impact the environment? Like other foods, choosing organically grown coffee beans is a healthier choice for the environment. Organic coffee may cost a little bit more, but it’s worth it to avoid the use of harmful pesticides that are sprayed on non organic coffee beans. It's a choice that's better for the environment and for your own health, because who wants to exposed to pesticides? And wherever you can get Fair Trade coffee, make sure you request it. Fair Trade Certified coffees guarantee that the farmers who grew the beans were paid a fair price for their product, and that they are given credit and assistance, including help in growing organic coffee beans. And it's not as hard to find places that offer Fair Trade coffee as you might think... coffee giants Starbucks offer a fair trade blend in most of their thousands of stores across the world. So even if you like your coffee black, use these tips to make it a little greener.
Video Length: 97
Date Found: February 19, 2009
Date Produced: July 16, 2008
View Count: 12