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Video Blog #1
Video Blog #1
Video Blog #1
Sorry, my camera is a little slow, next time i will prolly do it on my regular camera, not the webcam, but i wanted to try it out first. I am learning sign language so, im not that great yet, but here yall go(: Since it wouldnt let me add a rolling script to it yet, here is basically what i said in a script: Hi, my name is Emily. Im sixteen years old. Well, I am not deaf, I used to be deaf when I was about 5 years old. Anyways, I am learning sign language to talk to my friends who are deaf, and because I like it, that simple. Im crazy, im loud, but love people and I love animals. My ten year old dog just died yesterday. My whole family cried and was sad. Some ppl helped tho. My friend amy hugged me and said she loved me and was there, that helped a lot. I don’t want to just talk about sad things, so what are some happy things to talk about? Uhhmm, God! Haha I love Jesus and have gotten close to him. I am glad I am. I like this guy, a lot... but he is older.. like 4 years older... but who knows? Anyways, that's me, Hi! Haha, and I love you! Hah more to come! Bye!
Channel: YouTube
Category: Entertainment
Video Length: 182
Date Found: June 26, 2011
Date Produced: June 19, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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