Trailer for Densehall #9
At 13.05. the next Densehall is going to happen in Berlin’s Chez Jacki. This time with Oni Ayhun and MFO headlining! Here is a little trailer for that night. Sound piece by Oni Ayhun. (The trailer is by the way another new experimental approach for MFO.) Densehall #9, 13. may 2011, Chez Jacki Oni Ayhun & MFO Barker aka Voltek (Ostgut Ton) Strobocop (Karaoke Kalk) Tim Lensenta (weltamdraht.net) Area Boy & Marius Reisser (Dense Allstars) For this night Oni Ayhun and MFO brought into a stunning audio-visual performance at the border of club culture and media art. Using both surround sound for Oni Ayhun's music and multiple panorama projections, they create a cocoon within the club space, allowing the audience to merge into the other-worldly spheres of this androgynous character. Oni's compositions combine disturbed dance music on the border to insanity with free dreamy drone stories without a beat. Like a surrealistic musical with a narrative based on associations, abstractions and confusion, the music is a journey through multiple settings and scenes. MFO creates visual spaces where intensity and distinct aesthetics take centre stage and technology is subordinated. His works aim at the subconscious over the conscious, at emotions over intellect, at ambiguous over well-defined.  The night is supported by Berghain resident and Ostgut Ton label artist Sam Barker, whose idiosyncratic sound combines house, techno and IDM into an impelling sound, being both a suitable soundtrack for a lazy afternoon rave and a high-voltage cyberpunk moshpit on steroids. Stobocop, besides being a year-long member of the Dense Records team, is a dj you surely should call an institution. Not only that he has been around multiple times longer than most of us live in this city and know how to move to a 4/4 beat, he is also a key-figure of the german electronic music scene. Both his label Karaoke Kalk and Kalk Pets are responsible for releases that constantly update this cities i...
Video Length: 162
Date Found: May 11, 2011
Date Produced: May 07, 2011
View Count: 0