Angus - Available Now on DVD
Angus is fat, dorky and smart, a kid with an uncool pal and a crush on a cheerleader. Angus is funny, rowdy and triumphant, a totally cool movie with a dead-on eye and ear for the hilarious, heartbreaking rite of passage called high school. A great cast (including Academy Award® winners* George C. Scott and Kathy Bates as Angus’s oddball family) sparks this story about what happens when Angus is named King of the Winter Ball as a prank – and how he turns humiliation into victory. Angus, Roger Ebert wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times, “delivers a rousing ‘up yours’ to all the snotty high school golden boys [and] a climax that I, for one, found wholly the equal of anything in Rocky.”
Video Length: 0
Date Found: March 15, 2011
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View Count: 5