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Michele Bachmann Doesn’t Need Her Facts Straight- She's Only Running for President
Michele Bachmann Doesn’t Need Her Facts Straight- She's Only Running for President
Michele Bachmann Doesn’t Need Her Facts Straight- She's Only Running for President
iReport — Michele Bachmann announced that President Obama is afraid of her, now that she’s running for President. An LOL would be appropriate here...but I'll try to resist the urge. Bachmann is serious. She says,"We can't afford 4 more years of President Obama". Can we afford another 8 years of the GOP? They're doing wonders in the U.S. House. Apparently, Bachmann, not only gets her facts wrong, but has memory issues as well. Wasn't it Republican economic policies that lead us to the Great Recession? But Michele doesn't care. She seems to believe that the GOP just didn't try hard enough last time they ran the car into the ditch. Hey, America. Give her back the keys. wasn't driving. It was Bush that was behind the wheel. Now she wants a turn. The GOP is drunk with power they feel they were given after "America" ,in the last election, gave them a mandate. Bachmann needs to read the Constitution she claims to defend before hitting the Presidential road. She may not need those pesky little facts to be accurate for her constituency in the Tea Party, but those of us in the general electorate, like accurate facts. We also know where Lexington and Concord are located. Bachmann, for now, doesn't need facts to get the GOP nomination. Why? Cuz, she's got passion. Besides, when have the facts ever gotten in the way of any good Republican?   ***
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 28, 2011
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