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US Invasion Of Libya
US Invasion Of Libya
US Invasion Of Libya
The US Sixth Fleet has begun repositioning its ships in the Mediterranean, triggering speculation of a NATO invasion of Libya. It comes as Libya’s long-time leader Colonel Gaddafi remains besieged in the capital Tripoli, with opposition forces nearby. After the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that nothing is off the table when it came to Libya, the American Navy started to take tactical positions off the coast of that North African country. At this point, the possibility of any of the major forces in the region, like US military, NATO troops or even UN peacekeepers, setting their feet on Libyan shores should not be ruled out. This was mirrored by comments of British Prime Minister David Cameron who has said that he would not exclude the use of the military there, and that there is a possibility that Britain could provide arms to the opposition forces. He also said he would support a no flight zone imposed over Libyan territory to stop Colonel Gaddafi's jetfighters from making air strikes on military installations seized by the opposition. It must be noted that NATO's Secretary General has repeatedly stressed that NATO would not interfere in the situation in Libya unless the UN adopts a resolution to do so. Getting such a document, however, looks like an impossible task because Russia and China have already vehemently opposed any kind of outside interference in Libya and say the resolution will definitely be vetoed. Western politicians are also playing a
Category: Science
Video Length: 321
Date Found: May 23, 2011
Date Produced: May 23, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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