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Go » Videos » Severe thunderstorm and hail in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 3, 2011
Severe thunderstorm and hail in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 3, 2011
Severe thunderstorm and hail in Honolulu,  Hawaii, June 3, 2011
Severe thunderstorm and hail in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 3, 2011
iReport — Warning the video contains bright flashing lights. Today, June 3, 2011 we had a rude awakening in Honolulu when a severe thunderstorm lit up the early morning sky over entire Oahu. It came with flash flood warning, torrential downpour and also with hail, which is extremely rear in our beautiful Islands. It was a nightmarish scene. The lightning looked like that it would come from earth and from the sky simultaneously which added a very surreal touch to this severe storm. My heart went out to the street workers who had to work in the torrent and lightning. They do since weeks lots of loud night work and also blinding welding along Ala Moana Blvd. I was really concerned about them, because even inside the apartment the lightning was a frightening experience and lasted for many hours.Video and photo by Jutka T. Emoke Barabas
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 04, 2011
Date Produced:
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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