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Concerns raised in more smoke visible to Las Conchas Fire.
Concerns raised in more smoke visible to Las Conchas Fire.
Concerns raised in more smoke visible to Las Conchas Fire.
most of the smoke we’re seeing is coming from a back burn - fire officials say it is under control. all day people he been asking us about the smoke cloud west of santa fe. firefighters are hoping to burn about 2000 acres to try and stop the fire off from spreading... the burnout is mostly low lying vegetation and underbrush near ruiz peak and peralta ridge. over the next few days firefighters are planning several other burnouts so smoke will likely be just as visible as it was today as long as conditions are favorable. a burn out operation like today's is one of the main tools that fire fighters used in protecting los alamos and the lab. the latest figures show the fire is about 61 percent contained and around 150,000 acres --- - or about about 234 square miles. in terms of land--- that is bigger than santa fe and albuquerue, combined.
Channel: ClipSyndicate
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: July 15, 2011
Date Produced: July 15, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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