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New PocketWizard MiniTT1 and FlexTT5 Announced at WPPI Press Conference
New PocketWizard MiniTT1 and FlexTT5 Announced at WPPI Press Conference
New PocketWizard MiniTT1 and FlexTT5 Announced at WPPI Press Conference
  The crowd was thick outside the doors of WPPI this morning as we held a private press conference to reveal the PocketWizard ControlTL series MiniTT1 and FlexTT5.  One shot of the MiniTT1 in the wild: Dave Schmidt presented the new, exciting products to an audience of press and influential photographers. Here is what he has to say for the blog: Today is the day.  We’ve been sweating it out behind the scenes getting everything ready for a while so it's great to finally tell the world what we've been doing for the past couple years....yes, the new products are new from the ground up and have been in development for quite some time. We also know there will still be a ton of questions.  There will be updates on the blog and tweaks to the website over the next several days so please check back.  There are also a few reviews posted (yes, a few lucky souls got a peek at the stuff before the rest of the world). Check out: EDIT: Just in! The big question is how much?  We only have pricing for the USA which will be roughly $199 for the MiniTT1 and $219 for the FlexTT5. More to come. Plus, we've heard there are tons of questions out there; we're here to help! If you post a question in the comments here on this post, we'll respond as quickly as possible. Keep in mind most of us are out at WPPI, so give us a little time :)
Channel: iTunes
Category: Arts & Literature
Video Length: 0
Date Found: May 30, 2011
Date Produced: February 16, 2009
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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