Complexity in Fire Ecology: The Case of the Biscuit Fire
The Biscuit Fire, located in southern Oregon and northern California, began on July 13, 2002 and reached 499,965 acres. Estimated to be one of Oregon’s largest in recorded history, the fire burned in a mosaic pattern; approximately 20% of the area burned lightly, with less than 25% of the vegetation killed. Another 50% of the area burned very hot, with more than 75% of the vegetation killed. Dr. Tom Atzet shows how The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has been active; making progress re-building trails, restoring safe roads through the salvage of dead trees along the transportation system, and reforesting burned lands.
Video Length: 3510
Date Found: February 12, 2009
Date Produced: October 23, 2003
View Count: 6