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Telling Zach We’re Going To Have A BABY
Telling Zach We’re Going To Have A BABY
Telling Zach We’re Going To Have A BABY
On April 2nd, I took a pregnancy test (one of quite a few over he past 2 years of "trying"). It was positive and I really couldn’t believe it!! I told Braxton that I thought I was pregnant, but wanted to take a 2nd test just to be sure. On April 3rd, I took my second test and the results were the same...I was finally pregnant!! Braxton and I came up with a cute and fun way to tell Zach. We decided to play a game of clue...only the cards in the confidential folder will be re-created to tell the message. :-) Zach refused to play the game all morning long & we had plans to go over to a friend's house later on. Finally we made a deal that he didn't have to play until we were at our Friend's house...Zach had no "CLUE" until he finally read the cards. :-)
Channel: YouTube
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Video Length: 61
Date Found: June 07, 2011
Date Produced: June 07, 2011
View Count: 0 Special Offers
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