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Widespread Looting in Vancouver puts a Black Eye in the City
Widespread Looting in Vancouver puts a Black Eye in the City
Widespread Looting in Vancouver puts a Black Eye in the City
iReport — All the downtown bridges in and out if the downtown core have been closed as police gradually take control of a very ugly situation. Widesperead looting has taken place in Sears, the Bay, London drugs and a few others. Most large Downtown plate windows have been smashed. Banks have been breached. The main post office was vandalized. Police have cordoned off the most vulnerable areas with wide security zones. Thoosands of people were reported walking out with numerous large bags of merchandise. One lady claimed her husband was heading back for a final 3 or 4 bags of jewelery for her. Many, large downtiwn depart stores were set on fire with windows smashed and people looting virtually everything. Dozens of police cars were overturned. Most of the people I spoke to were seriously embarrassed by this terrible and ugly turn of events by a group of trouble makers. At least one person appared ro have been hit in such aa way as tio suugest his injury was fatal but we have not been able tioconfirn that yet, Vancouver is going to have some explaining to do to its' people and then the rest of the world. Wasn’t Vancouver regularly voted the most livavble city in the world!. For CNN Percy von Lipinski in downtown Vancouver.
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 16, 2011
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