Hunger Prevention - Ben Affleck
Hunger is a reality for 1 in 6 Americans, including millions of children, seniors and working families. However, even with the recent economic downturn, many people still separate themselves from the domestic hunger issue with inaccurate stereotypes. In fact, those who are struggling with hunger are just like us. They live in our communities; they work; they have families; they share many of the same interests and values that we do. They’re doing everything possible to change their situations-doing everything you would do if you stepped into their shoes. The Hollywood community, including Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Miley Cyrus, Taye Diggs, Abigail Breslin, Aaron Eckhart and Ana Ortiz, lent their support to the new PSA campaign by portraying the real stories of Americans affected by hunger. The PSAs combat stereotypes about the faces of hunger in America, highlighting the fact that hunger is closer than you think, but fortunately, so is the solution. All of the new PSAs urge viewers and listeners to get involved at FeedingAmerica.org and to reach out to their community's food bank.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: February 22, 2011
Date Produced: February 22, 2011
View Count: 0