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Leopards Helping Tigers!
Leopards Helping Tigers!
Leopards Helping Tigers!
CONSERVATION CANINES...A comprehensive non-invasive sampling method using detection dogs to simultaneously acquire scat samples from multiple species and guilds.  When Big Cat Rescue were asked to participate in a program to help save tigers we jumped at the chance! The Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington developed the scat detection dog program in 1997 and they needed scat samples from our asian leopards in order to train their Conservation Canines before heading out to Cambodia to collect data! We’re never short of leopard poop at the sanctuary and two of our senior keepers set about bagging and tagging a week's worth of leopard scat to ship up to Washington to help train the dogs. The dogs Scooby and Sadie are doing a great job out in the field and the program is going well, this is another way that Big Cat Rescue can help not just captive big cats but conservation projects around the world! Conservation Canines Fan Page: The Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington website: Footage of the work In Cambodia provided by Voice of America / Daniel Schearf For more info about BIG CAT RESCUE visit: Find us on FACEBOOK: MYSPACE: TWITTER: DONATE: THANK YOU!
Channel: metacafe
Category: Pets & Animals
Video Length: 215
Date Found: March 10, 2011
Date Produced: April 21, 2010
View Count: 2 Special Offers
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