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WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video
WTC7 controlled demolition,  side-by-side video
WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video
iReport — History is full of examples that prove an event like 9.11 is well within the realms of possibility.  Sociopaths and  psychopaths are attracted to power and our politicians and leaders would  never top any poll for moral behaviour.Our intelligence agencies engage in nefarious and underhand activities all the time and it would come as no surprise to me to find out that 9.11 could have been ordered or allowed for some misguided reason such as the PNAC call for a New Pearl Harbour to re-build America’s defences.However like most people who have looked into the events surrounding 9.11 I have found the collapse of WTC-7 to be the biggest thorn in the side of the official story.Like a lot of people I find it very hard to accept the official explanation for the collapse of WTC-7 especially when I watch it side by side with videos of controlled demolitions of similar sized buildings. The official story is that a new phenomenon came into existence on 9.11 and the WTC-7 building suffered a fire induced progressive collapse.Having not seen any other videos of high rise buildings that have  collapsed due to fire alone I have nothing to compare and contrast the videos of WTC-7 with  and like most people I have been brought up to believe that if it looks  like a cat, walks like a cat and purrs like one it usually is a cat.We can quibble over the odd split second or two when it comes to “freefall descent” but when it comes to watching a building collapse evenly and uniformly into it’s own footprint at speeds indistinguishable from freefall rather  than slowly and unevenly towards the point of least resistance, which  should have been the weakened corner of the building, we have a right to  ask questions.Most of the evidence has now been destroyed, shipped away or buried and anyone wanting to answer the question of WTC-7 is left with two choices. Make a computer model like NIST did  and which they still haven’t released the source code for and prove  your theory with f...
Channel: iReport
Category: News
Video Length: 0
Date Found: June 09, 2011
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