BS: Games 4# Pokemon red/blue Glitches
ok, I’ve decided to showcase one of the first pokemon games, and show off some of it's glitches it had. for a first pokemon game, it's alot of fun, there was no such thing as natures, psychic types were nearly the master type, no items to hold, and a few other things that makes it a classic. in fact, this game is also famus for it's many gameplay glitches. for this video, I showcase 3 glitches: 1: missingo and item dupilation 2. Catch mew (or any pokemon 3. Phantom Computer please note, only the Mew glitch will still work on Yellow, I've tried the other 2 and they apparently been fixed.
Video Length: 0
Date Found: January 12, 2011
Date Produced: January 12, 2011
View Count: 0